Translation of Text

These translations are not supposed to be master-pieces, nor are they literal word by word translations. They stay as close to the Greek wording as possible without becoming totally broken English. They are provided not for practicing your English language skills, but to make sure the passage is understood and can be used to practice some GREEK.

Dikaiopolis is an Athenian; but Dikaiopolis does not live in Athens but [rather] in the country: for he is a farmer. And so he cultivates his farm and works in the fields. And his life is hard; for his farm is small, but his work is long. And so Dikaiopolis is always working and he often groans and says: "O Zeus, hard is my life; for unending is my work, but small my farm and it doesn't provide much food." But the man is strong and energetic; and so he often rejoices: for he is free and self-employed; and he loves his home. For his farm is beautiful and it provides food, not a lot but enough.