SLAVERY (page 13/15)

Always bear in mind that this is relevant to Attica only, conditions in the rest of Greece were quite different.

Paragraph 1

What period in Greek history are we concentrating on?
Percentage of slaves versus free men?
Who are those μέτοικοι ? (from μετά = with, and οἶκος = house or οἰκέω = I live).
What rights did they have?
Compare their status to that of foreign residents in most countries nowadays.

Paragraphs 2, 3

Who were those slaves?
How had they become slaves?
What was their role in society?
Was Dikaiopolis a very poor farmer?

Paragraph 4

Why did slaves in Athens get away with lack of discipline? Would the same apply to slaves in Rome?


Compared to slaves in other countries (and other parts of Greece) Athenian slaves were not too badly off. Why not?