Words in Text

Read through the word-list and listen to the recording so as to know what sort of words will be needed to understand the text. Don't try to learn them yet, that will be much easier once you've read the text and have context to link them to.

Vocabulary of lesson 4a: for sound click here

Next listen to the reading passage trying to understand as much as you can. Read it aloud yourself to fix new words and patterns in your mind. Don't punish yourself. Greek is not supposed to be bitter medicine, it's meant to enrich your life, not make it misery. What you don't understand today, skip it, come back to it tomorrow or next week. Or the week after that. It will be easier then, because you will be ready for it. Don't hurry: festina lente as the Romans said, or σπεῦδε βραδέως the Greek way. Enjoy what you do while doing it. And languages can be fun. Children like learning new words, why shouldn't you?

Text of lesson 4a:

1st paragraph click here
2nd paragraph click here
3rd paragraph click here