7th Paragraph

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Therefore they go down and hurry to the colonnade. And there they find granddad in a bad temper. Oh child, says he, what are you doing? Why do you leave me for such a long time? Why are we not watching the procession? And Dikaiopolis: Cheer up, dad, he says, for now we go to the temple of Dionysos. For the procession will soon take place. Come on then! Thus he speaks and leads them to the temple.

What about these words?

  • ὀργίλως ἔχειν 
    Origin: ἡ οργή anger (not orgy, though an 'orgy' is an 'furious, angy' revelling
    Origin: ὀργίζομαι I'm angry
  • τὸ τέκνον not to be confused with
    ὁ τέκων, τοῦ τέκοντος a parent; οἰ τέκοντες , the parents
  • ἡ πομπή 
  • θάρρει