Please type your comment or question in the text area below. To type Greek, click the "Convert Greek" checkbox, to type in English, leave the checkbox unchecked, or click it if it is checked.

To then send me your comments, click this  send email  and copy/paste your comment or question into the body of the opening mail client message window. Send it as "plain text" and "Send as Unicode". Don't worry if there are blank spaces in your message, it will get to me as correct Unicode text.

If you're not using any Greek, just click  here  and type your comment straight into your email programme. No need in that case for cut and paste, for plain text nor for "send as Unicode".

Convert Greek
 Alphabet Key 
For more information about this way of typing polytonic Greek, go to who graciously allow us to incorporate Greek typing into our own web-pages. Very practical and very generous indeed.